Intellectual Outputs (IOs)–6

Report on Connection of IZTECH ERASMUS+

In-House Software to the EWP Network

Intellectual Output 6

Fai clic qui per il testo completo del Report on Connection of IZTECH ERASMUS+ In-House Software to the EWP Network

Il video e il resoconto del webinar

Il webinar su “Connecting an Erasmus+ in-house system to the EWP network: Case of Izmir Institute of Technology” può essere visualizzato sotto questa pagina.  Fare clic qui qui per accedere al resoconto del Webinar.

Report on Erasmus+ In-house System Users’ Satisfaction Survey Results

“Connecting an Erasmus+ in-house system to the EWP network: Case of Izmir Institute of Technology”

Assoc. Prof. Tugkan Tuglular | SUDTE Webinar | 16.02.2023

Webinar Part-I

Webinar Part-II