European University Foundation -Campus Europae

Type of Organisation: Foundation

The European University Foundation (EUF) is a network of 70 member universities established in more than 30 countries.

EUF stands for diversity and social fairness in Higher Education (HE) and aims to accelerate the modernisation of the European Higher Education Area. 

The network deploys intensive cooperation and policy experimentation under five key pillars:

(1) Digital Higher Education both for governance and provision of education, 

(2) entrepreneurship and employability skills of graduates, 

(3) policy innovation at national and European level, 

(4) active citizenship of students and 

(5) quality mobility for all. 

The network’s key activities are designed to build capacity and expertise among administrative and academic staff members, to raise awareness of EU policy goals and actions and to enable policy dialogues between practitioners, policy-makers and stakeholders. 

The activities are underpinned by the organisation of high-quality student mobility, since this is considered to be an excellent driver to implement reforms within HE. To maximise the impact of outcomes the EUF is affiliated with LLL Platform, Groningen Declaration, and cooperates with ESU and ESN. The network is supported by the European Commission grant for Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Education and Training.

The EUF has notably been coordinating the Online Learning Agreement, Erasmus Without Paper and MyAcademicID projects and also released the first version of the Erasmus+ mobile App in 2017. These projects have contributed to the creation of the European Student Cardi initiative and the Erasmus Goes Digital movement.

As an introduction to the whole digitisation topic, the following video on the Online Learning Agreement gives a good overview: